5 Myths about Lightning

Soo You have seen Lightning during bad weather or in Rainy days.
Do you also heard about several myths about lightning from your parents or from your grandparents.

Lets have a look to them and check that weather they are myth or not.
    So lets begin;

1. Lightning never strikes twice at the same place.
"So it is completely wrong,Lightning can strike anywhere it want their is no such place where it will strike or not."

2. Lightning strikes only at tall buildings.
So have a look to the image below,This is the tallest building and it face about 25 Lightning strikes in a year.
Soo its right but you may have also heard that some Village also faces Strike, how come their are no tall building.
"Lightning does not see height it strikes where it wants."

3. If you're stuck somewhere then being under tree is best.
So it is not correct even it is very dangerous to ones life.
"Trees have positive charge which help in lightning and if tree get a strike then you may  also get Electrocuted."

4. Wearing metal can cause lightning strike to you.
"So it is also not correct because lightning can strike anywhere, it doesn't matter you wear metal or not."

5. Touching Electrocuted person can give shock.
"It is absolutely wrong as Lightning can not be stored if someone is victim of Lightning then you cannot get shock by just touching him."

Soo that all for this,Hope you got this.


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